Lantern Festival
Dear NPMS Families:
We wanted to notify everyone that due to some unexpected and uncontrollable circumstances, our annual Lantern Festival will now be held on 03/9/2024. Please note the change in date. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may have caused. You must fill out the form attached to ensure we have your order for food as we are NOT using the previous March 2nd RSVP google form/document. The new RSVP form also has a section for refund requests if you are no longer able to attend and previously bought a meal(s). Also a friendly reminder, parents MUST accompany their children prior to dismissal to ensure no delay with the start of the festivities.
RSVP is required in order to properly include count for food orders.
RSVP Now: https://forms.gle/AJVX8fCAa68TMAe59
RSVP deadline: 2.9. 2024 at 12 noon.
What: Annual Lantern Festival
We will have Lion Dancers, bento boxes (RSVP required), Games, Prizes and entertainment. All students, parents, siblings, teachers, TAs are invited.
When: 11:20 am - 1:20pm on March 9, 2024 (Note: We will have staggered dismissal times. Younger classes will be dismissed first. Class dismissal times will be announced to teachers and room parents prior to the start of the event)
Where: Hillsdale High School Cafeteria and Outside courtyard
Health and Safety: Food is handled only by volunteers. Stay home if sick.
Volunteers: Parent volunteers are needed. Each volunteer must choose two jobs/roles to fulfill a volunteer credit. We will be holding volunteer meetings leading up to the event to help prepare you for the event. Please note if you are no longer able to volunteer for the event due to change in date, please update via konstella .
RSVP is required in order to properly include count for food orders.
Thank you!
We look forward to celebrating together
Angela and Dorrie (PTA presidents)