School Overview

Purpose: Our school teaches Mandarin Chinese language and promotes the study of Chinese culture for all age-appropriate students.

History: Our school was incorporated in 1978 with 20 students in a neighborhood church. We had moved to several different locations during the first 9 years. In 1987, Our former principal Qi-Ling Chen started renting the classrooms at Hillsdale High School from San Mateo Union High School District. We are one of the most sought after Mandarin school in the mid-peninsula.

Organization: The school is a non-profit organization. We are solely operated by parents volunteers. The school boards members are elected annually by the PTA. The Principal and executives are elected among the board members. All the board members have the responsibilities for the day-to-day operation of the school. Most of our parents are also required to volunteer at least one Saturday in the school every semester.

Enrollment: The school has over 500 students in 27 classes from Pre-kindergarten to 11th grade. We also offer Chinese as a Foreign language (CFL) classes. There are about 20 students per class.

Curriculum: NPMS offer instructions in traditional Chinese. We teach Phonetics (Zhu-Yin) in the classes before 4th grade then switch to Pin-Yin for higher grade students. We offer traditional Mandarin classes of 13 grades, which are designed for students who has a Mandarin background. In 2018, our former academic dean Yung-Hui Chien designed the track of learning Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL), which offers more conversational instructions to students with minimal Mandarin background.

Class Time: Regular classes: Saturday from 9:15 to 11:45, three 45-min classes.

Other Activities: We host various intramural activities and also participate in regional cultural and academic competitions every year.


宗旨: 本校係為推廣中文教育而設,適齡學生不分人種,凡對中國文字,文化,歷史有興趣者,本校都歡迎申請入學。

歷史: 本校自1978年建校,迄今已有四十多年校史,本校草創之時僅學生二十餘人,商借鄰近教堂做為校舍,其後數度易址,可謂流離失所,幸賴前人篳路藍縷,在困難中勉力撐持,後經前校長陳琪玲女士努力與聖馬刁(San Mateo)學區協商交涉,學區慨允本校租用 Hillsdale High School 校舍。本校師生自始免受顛沛之苦,校務才能於穩定中發展成長,本校學生人數最多曾達七百餘人,為中半島最具規模的中文學校。

組織: 本校為非營利教育機構,校務行政人員皆由家長義務擔任。本校由理事會掌管學校的政策及執行日常校務工作, 每位理事則是每年由各班家長選出,校長及行政主管則由理事互相推選。 每學期大部分的學生家長也都會選擇在學校義務服務至少一天

現況: 本校目前約有學生五百餘人,從幼幼班至十一年級以及中文語班,全校共有二十七班,每班約有二十餘人。

課程 本校教授繁體中文,四年級以下學生,學習發音以注音符號為主,四年級以上則以漢語拼音為主。本校有十三個年級的傳統中文班,招收有中文背景的學生。另外,自2018年起,由時任教務主任錢永惠理事,籌畫開辦中文外語班,提供非中文母語的學生合適的中文課程。

上課時間: 每星期六早上9:15 至11:45, 三節中文課程,每節四十五分鐘

活動: 校內每年舉辦不同的活動,諸如春節活動,家長講座等,校外活動係配合北加州中文學校聯合會,諸如校際學術比賽等,本校也積極參與,屢獲佳績。