Mandarin Classes 中文班
Mandarin classes are designed for students who speak Mandarin at home. We offer classes from Pre-Kindergarten to 11th grade. All classes in this track emphasize the development of reading and writing skills, in addition to oral proficiency. We teach Traditional Chinese, use Zhuyin (注音) from PreK to 3rd grade, and transition to Pinyin (拼音) from 4th grade onwards. The textbooks we adopt for this track are MeiZhou Chinese.
中文班課程是為有中文語言背景的學生所設計,從學前班到十一年級。除了口語能力的訓練,中文班著重讀寫能力的養成。我們使用美洲華語教材, 教授正體字,低年級以注音學習,中高年級後則用漢語拼音。
Chinese as a Foreign Language Classes (CFL) 中文外語班
The CFL track is designed for students who have minimal access to Mandarin at home. We currently offer six classes, from CFL Pre-K (age 4) to CFL 5 (age 9). More class levels will be added to this track year by year. The CFL curriculum focuses on developing conversational skills at lower levels. As the level increases, the learning of reading and writing will become a more important component of the curriculum.
CFL課程是為沒有中文語言背景的學生所設計,本校目前有六個CFL班,從CFL Pre-K (四歲)到CFL 5(九歲)。預計未來幾年會陸續開設更多CFL班。CFL低年級課程著重於會話能力的培養,隨著年級升高,讀寫能力的訓練會逐漸增加比重。