Community Events

July 1, 2024

Congratulations to Winners of Singing Competition. 

We received a lot of song submissions and we had a hard time selecting our top 3 winners from each group.  Thank you for sharing your favorite Mandarin songs with us.  All prizes will be awarded in students' classes on Sep 9, 2024!   Visit the event page for the list of winners here .

May 3, 2024

Online Mandarin Song Singing Competition

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to showcase your talent at the NPMS Mandarin Song Singing Competition! Unleash your voice, impress the judges, and document your learning at NPMS in melodies. The first 30 students to submit their work will receive a cute pet night light.  See  the complete contest rules here .

Submission Date: May 4 ~ May 31, 2024

May 10, 2024

Vote NPMS for Best Foreign Language Classes on Peninsula!

We are proud to announce that NPMS has been selected as a Finalist in the Parents Press Best of the Peninsula!  Your vote for us as Best Foreign Language Classes on the Peninsula is the best way to recognize the dedication of our teachers and volunteers to your children's Mandarin education. Thank you for your support of NPMS. Spread the word for NPMS to win this prestigious award and vote here.

Submission Date: May 31, 2024

February 2024

2024 NPMS Open House 3/16/2024
2024 北半島校園參觀日 3/16/2024

Come and experience North Peninsula Mandarin School 北半島中文學校 Open House and learn about our Chinese Mandarin Language program. Our program offers both Traditional and CFLtracks for non-native speakers. This event is a perfect opportunity to tour the campus and classrooms, ask questions and meet our teachers and board members. 


RSVP here 報名連結: https://forms.gle/iuTvK2Fd4wLgHr4N7

November 2023

Happy Thanksgiving! 感恩節快樂

The fifth grade class has been learning a few popular Chinese poems in the textbook and our students partnered in groups and wrote their own poems. They also made breakfast-making, house-cleaning and other Thanksgiving coupon to show their appreciation to their family. They did a wonderful job! 


January 2023

San Mateo County Recognizes Lunar New Year 聖馬刁縣公告一月為農曆新年

On January 31, 2023, NPMS Board Chair Sophia Tseng and prior Board Chair Yung-Hui Chien represented NPMS and the Asian American community as a whole to receive a Proclamation by San Mateo County designating January 2023 as Lunar New Year. This is a historical moment for the Asian American community. It is also a significant recognition of NPMS's contribution in this county.


December 2022

Singing Flash Mob 快閃合唱

On the last day of the fall semester, December 10th, NPMS students from 9th to 11th grade and staff members formed a flash mob on campus to sing a song. It was so fun to celebrate a semester of Mandarin learning with music and festive spirit!


October 2022

NPMS Halloween Parade 萬聖節遊行

On October 29th, NPMS celebrated Halloween. Many students, teachers, and parents dressed in costumes for the festivities. Various toys and a nut-free selection of candy were distributed in the courtyard. It was a lovely opportunity to see many awesome costumes!


August 2022

2022 NPMS Welcome Back 北半島回校園

The 2022-2023 school year is about to start. We are finally returning to NPMS campus! See you on August 20th!


May 2022

Congratulations to the class of 2022! 


On May 21st, NPMS held a graduation ceremony on campus to celebrate our 2022 graduates. We are so proud of these 14 students and are amazed by how much they have accomplished over the years. We wish them the best for the next adventure! 


February 2022

NPMS Student Radio Show 北半島學生廣播電台 

Attention NPMS community! Our Youth Ambassadors created podcasts to discuss topics of their interests. Look out for our next newsletter for details.  Enjoy the radio show!


January 2022

Happy New Year 新年快樂! 

NPMS wish everyone a happy new year! The spring semester online classes will start on January 8th, 2022. 


September 2021

NPMS Mid-Autumn Celebration 北半島慶祝中秋節 

NPMS parent volunteers delivered mooncakes to our teachers for celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival! Our Youth Ambassadors also designed a fun cultural presentation and activity for all NPMS students to participate in. Two students' posts about their Mid-Autumn celebration won the contest! 


August 2021

Welcome back to NPMS! 北半島開學囉! 

Are you ready for the 2021-2022 school year? Let's have another fun year of learning Chinese!


August 2021

2021 Textbook Distribution Day 課本發放

On August 14th, NPMS board members and other parents accomplished the mission of distributing textbooks to all our students. Thank you, NPMS parent volunteers! Looking forward to an exciting school start!


May 2021

Teacher and Staff Appreciation 感謝辛苦的教師和行政團隊 

We, the NPMS parents, would like to express our gratitude to the teachers and staff for their dedication and commitment to the school! NPMS board members gathered and distributed gifts as a token of appreciation to our teachers on the last day of school. 

北半島家長們非常感謝老師和行政團隊的用心付出!在學年的最後一天,理事們為老師們獻上感恩的禮物, 致上萬分的謝意。

May 2021

Congratulations to the class of 2021! 


The NPMS faculty and staff are so proud of the 2021 graduates! We wish our graduates the best for the next adventure! 


February 2021

Happy Lunar New Year 過年了! 

One of the Lunar New Year traditions is hanging spring couplets on the top and sides of the front doors. Check out this video made by NPMS parents, Chenyu Lee and Mindy Peng, to learn about spring couplets and Chinese calligraphy.


The annual Lantern Festival celebration is typically the largest NPMS community celebration every year.  Although we can’t be together in person this year, we can still get together online in spirit to celebrate the new year and to spend time with members of our community.  Festival activities include making a Lantern, Good Luck Ornament, and Tang Yuen.  


January 2021

Happy Holidays! 寒假愉快!

 On behalf of all of the teachers and staff at NPMS, we wish you all a safe and peaceful Holiday Season!  As a reminder, school will resume on January 9, 2021.  


December 2020

 2020 NPMS Flash Mob Video 北半島快閃音樂影片 

 Final is rapidly approaching. Presenting our Flash Mob Video made by NPMS parents, in order to help motivate students to keep studying Chinese! We know that they are doing their best and we want to say, keep up the good work!


November 2020

 NPMS Halloween Challenge! 北半島萬聖節遊戲大挑戰! 

 This year we are going to celebrate Halloween in a special way. All students are invited to take a Halloween challenge! There are five Halloween games for you to play. Let’s see who can make it to the leaderboard! Go to your class Google Classroom for activity instructions. Happy Halloween! 

今年我們要用特別的方式來慶祝萬聖節。大家一起來接受萬聖節遊戲大挑戰!總共有五個萬聖節遊戲讓你玩。看看誰能成為最大的贏家!請到自己班級的Google Classroom看活動說明。萬聖節快樂! 

October 2020

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 中秋節快樂!

Our 10th grade and 11th grade students recorded an illustrated story to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival (October 1st). They did an amazing job!


September 2020

Happy Teacher's Day! 教師節快樂!

Our 5th-grade students and parents created a digital greeting card for teachers to celebrate Teacher's Day on September 28th. Our teachers have been working tirelessly to prepare for distance teaching. Let's show our appreciation to our wonderful teacher team! 


August 2020

Textbook Distribution Day was a success! 發課本囉!

On August 15th, about 30 parent volunteers (including board members) showed up to help distribute textbooks to all students. It took many hours of planning and preparation of all materials. The event went smoothly and we were able to complete the mission in three hours! Thanks to all parent volunteers! You are the best! (We are sorry that we were all too busy and did not get to take a photo of everyone, but you know your efforts are very much appreciated!)


July 2020

Training Workshops on Distance Teaching  


We are ready for the new school year! See the Training Workshops on Distance Teaching our academic team offered to NPMS teachers.
